windows传真和扫描英文系统,Introduction to Windows Fax and Scan English System
2025-03-03 12:14:45

Introduction to Windows Fax and Scan English System

Windows Fax and Scan is a built-in feature in the Windows operating system that allows users to send and receive faxes as well as scan documents directly from their computer. For users who prefer to work in an English environment, configuring the system to display all interfaces and prompts in English is essential. This article will guide you through the process of setting up a Windows Fax and Scan English system.

Understanding the Windows Fax and Scan Feature

Before diving into the English system setup, it's important to understand the basic functionalities of Windows Fax and Scan. This feature enables users to:

Send faxes directly from their computer to any fax machine or email address.

Receive faxes and have them automatically printed or saved as PDF files.

Scan documents and save them in various formats, such as PDF, JPG, or TIFF.

Use OCR (Optical Character Recognition) to convert scanned documents into editable text.

System Requirements

Before you begin, ensure that your computer meets the following requirements:

Windows 10 or later operating system.

A scanner or all-in-one printer that is compatible with Windows Fax and Scan.

A stable internet connection for sending faxes via email.

Setting Up the English System

Follow these steps to set up your Windows Fax and Scan system to display all interfaces and prompts in English:

Open the Control Panel by clicking on the Start button and selecting



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