2024-08-14 03:45:35




  适合小学生读的英语短篇小故事 篇1,828啦分享最新好文章,本文出自828la实用文栏目:

  A man from up state had always dreamed of owninghis own cattle ranch, and finally made enough moneyto buy himself the spread of his dreams in Texas.


  "So, what did you name the ranch?" asked his bestfriend when he flew out to visit.


  "We had a heck of a time," admitted the new cowboy. "Couldnt agree on anything."


  We finally settled on the "big and beautiful Outback—but not too far outback—Texan ranch."


  "Wow. That is a long name for a ranch," said his friend. "So where are all the cows?"


  "None ofem survived the branding."


  适合小学生读的英语短篇小故事 篇2,828啦分享最新好文章,本文出自828la实用文栏目:

  A string walks into a bar and asks the bartender fora drink. The bartender looks at the string and says, "Sorry, Dude. We dont serve strings in here. Youare going to have to go somewhere else." The stringis angry and leaves the bar.


  Moments later the string es back into the barand asks the bartender for a drink.


  "Sorry, we dont serve strings. Now, get out of here." This really pisses the string off. Heleaves the bar and goes outside.


  He is so angry that he has a tantrum outside. He get himself so upset that he ties himself all upin knots. He goes back into the bar and asks the bartender for a drink one more time.


  The bartender peers over the bar at the string and says, "Listen. I told you we dont servestring, arent you?"


  The string looks at the man and says, "No, Im a frayed knot."


  适合小学生读的英语短篇小故事 篇3,828啦分享最新好文章,本文出自828la实用文栏目:

  was in a terrible accident at work. He fell through afloor tile and ripped off both of his ears.


  Since he was permanently disfigured, he settledwith the pany for a rather large sum of money.


  One day, decided to invest his money in a smallbusiness.


  After weeks of negotiations, he bought the pany outright. But, he realized that he knewnothing about running such a business and quickly set out to hire someone who could do thatfor him.


  He set up three interviews. The first guy was great. At the end of the interview, asked him, "Do you noticed anything different about me?" And the gentleman answered, "Why yes, Icouldnt help but notice you have no ears."


  Tom got very angry and threw him out.


  The second interview was with a woman, and she was even better than the first guy. He askedher the same question, “Do you notice anything different about me?” And she replied, “Well,you have no ears.”


  Tom again was upset and tossed her out.


  The third and last interview was the best of all three. He seemed to be a better businessmanthan the first two put together.


  Tom was anxious,but went ahead and asked the young guy the same question:"Do you noticeanything different about me?"


  And to his surprise, the young guy answered, “Yes. You wear contact lenses.”


  Tom was shocked, and remarked, “What an incredibly observant young guy. How in the worlddid you know that?”


  The young guy replied,“Well, its pretty damn hard to wear glasses with no ears!”


  适合小学生读的英语短篇小故事 篇4,828啦分享最新好文章,本文出自828la实用文栏目:

  During the Han Dynasty, in the southwest there was a small country called Yelang, and although it was an independent nation, its territory was small, there weren’t many citizens, and its products were pitifully few. Because it was the largest kingdom in the near area, the Yelang king who’d never left h own country thought the country he ruled was the biggest on earth.

  One day, the king of Yelang was on a national border inspection tour with h troops, when he pointed in front of him [to neighboring country] and said, “Which country bigger?” In order to serve their own interests and make the king happy, the troops said, “Of course Yelang bigger!” They walked along, and the king once again lifted up h head, gazed at the big mountain in the dtance and asked: “Is there a taller mountain than th anywhere on earth?” And h men answered: “No, there’s no mountain taller than th one on earth.” After a while, they reached the river side, and the king asked again: “I think th the world’s longest river.” And all h men said in unon “The king speaks truly.” After th, the ignorant king believed even more firmly that Yelang was the world’s biggest country.

  Then one day, the Han Dynasty dpatched an envoy to Yelang, and en route they encountered the neighboring kingdom DianGuo, and the King of Dian asked the emsary: “If you pared the Han Dynasty and my Kingdom, which one would be bigger?” The emsary ltened in astonhment, as he’d never have thought th small a country thought it could pare itself to the Han Dynasty. But he really never could have suspected that when he got to Yelang, the prideful and ignorant king who didn’t know that the kingdom he ruled was about the size of one Han county, would ask with an exaggerated opinion of h own worth, “Which bigger: the Han Dynasty or my country?”




  适合小学生读的英语短篇小故事 篇5,828啦分享最新好文章,本文出自828la实用文栏目:

  In the past, a man of the State of Chu intended to go to the State of Zheng to sell pearls.


  First he used rare lily magnolia to make a small exquisite case which he fumigated with the delicate fragrance of osmanthuses and Chinese prickly ashes. Furthermore, the case was inlaid with emerald-green jadeite, and adorned with attractive rosy jade. The whole case was decorated in an extremely exquisite way.


  A man of the State of Zheng saw this exquisite case and liked it very much. He bought it with a great deal of money, but he returned the pearl in the case to the man of Chu.


  Later, people ridiculed the man of Chu by saying that he was good at selling cases, but not good at selling pearls.


  To go too far in the pursuit of form just like letting a presumptuous guest usurp the hosts role, which brings about opposite results.


  适合小学生读的英语短篇小故事 篇6,828啦分享最新好文章,本文出自828la实用文栏目:

  "I had another bad dream," she told her fiancé. "It was about you again. You and your ex-girlfriend were kissing. I yelled at you to stop it. You looked right at me, and then you laughed at me! She laughed, too. Then you both went back to kissing. I tried not to watch, but when I covered my eyes, something pulled my hands away. I tried to leave, but my feet were glued to the ground. Finally, I woke up. Of course, it was very difficult to get back to sleep.

  "I had to drive home from Las Vegas this morning. Its a wonder I didnt crash 50 times. Instead of seeing traffic in front of me, all I saw was you and her. I cant take any more dreams like this. Were going to have to break up. We can be friends, but just friends. That way, I wont be jealous anymore, and I wont have these bad dreams anymore."

  "Why didnt you call me up and tell me about your dream?" he asked. "They say that the more you talk about bad dreams, the sooner youll stop having them."

  She disagreed. She thought that the only solution was to break up and be just friends. She loved him, but these dreams had bee so frequent that she was actually afraid to go to sleep. She was losing weight and having stomachaches from the stress.

  He didnt know what to do. He wanted her to have pleasant dreams. He wanted her to have a life without

  He wanted her to be his wife. This was it, she repeated; if she had just one more bad dream, they were through. He squeezed her hand, but said nothing.



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