not at all造句 not at all造句简单带翻译
2024-08-16 01:15:57

not at all造句(精选)

not at all造句

  造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。以下是小编帮大家整理的not at all造句,欢迎大家分享。

  not at all造句

  1、I am not at all satisfied with the present situation. 我对现状根本不满意。

  2、I am not at all convinced by your explanation. 您的解释完全不能使我信服。

  3、It seemed he was not at all at ease. 他好像十分不安。

  4、I am afraid its not at all what I want. 对不起,这根本不是我想要的。

  5、She doesnt like going to school at all.她一点也不喜欢去上学

  6、Her present owner is not at all to her liking! 她目前的这个主人、她简直不喜欢。

  7、But Im not at all convinced about that. 但我根本无法相信此事。

  8、I am not at all convinced about that. 我根本没法确信此事。

  9、Would you mind waiting a minute? Not at all. 你等我一下行吗?--可以[行]。

  10、Oh,dear. Thats dreadful. Not at all what I expect. 哎哟,天啊。糟透了。根本就不是我所希望的那样。

  11、Im not at all keen on that sort of work. 我根本不喜欢那种工作。

  12、No, not at all, do as you please. 不,一点也不,随你的便。

  13、I must make it clear(that) I am not at all pleased about your delay. 我必须说明,我对您的耽搁感到非常不快。

  14、He did not at all grapple with the real question. 他根本没有设法处理真正的问题。

  15、I do not like math at all .我一点也不喜欢数学。

  16、I should not restrain myself, not at all! 你以为我有什么事做不出的!

  17、He is not at all what he is cried out to be. 他根本不是他所表白的那种人。

  18、I must admit Im not at all interested in biology. 我得承认我对生物学一点儿也不感兴趣。

  19、Ned came in, looking scared. He was not at all like a dog with two tails. 内德走了进来,面有惧色,没有一点高兴的样子。

  20、He is not at all the kind of man I fancy . 他根本不是我所喜欢的人。

  21、But the house has an effect not at all humorous. 但是那座房屋给人的印象丝毫不是滑稽可笑的。

  22、I am not at all certain (that) he be honest. 我根本不能肯定他是不是诚实的。

  23、I think the have puffed up her performance; she was not at all that good. 我想报纸对她的演出过于吹嘘了,她并没有那么好。

  24、Im not at all convinced the machine is reliable. 我完全不相信这台机器是可靠的。

  25、Im not at all satisfied with the surrounding here. 我一点也不满意这儿的.环境。

  26、I am not at all afraid of her dying. 她难道这么一下子就会送命!

  27、Im not at all sure he is capable of doing that. 我不能肯定他能做那件事。

  28、Her grief over her childs death was not at all relieved by the lapse of time. 时间的推移并未减轻她的失子之痛。

  29、Shes not at all a proper person for you to know. 她可不是正派人,你不应该结识她。

  30、This tune is not at all pleasing to the ear. 这个曲子真难听。

  31、I am not at all satisfied with the service here. 我对这儿的服务一点也不满意。

  32、He is not at all alive to the danger he is in. 他完全没有意识到他处境的危险。

  33、This war is not at all a just war. 这样的战争完全不是正义的。

  34、I am not at all assured of success. 我对成功毫无把握。

  35、I am not at all convinced(that) hes so cool-head. 我根本没法肯定他的头脑这么冷静。

  36、I am not at all certain(that) he be honest. 我根本不能肯定他是不是诚实的。

  37、Sorry, that is not at all right. 对不起,那全错了。

  38、He was hatchet-faced and not at all handsome. 他是瘦长脸,一点也不漂亮。

  39、Im sorry to say this, but the sea food is not at all fresh. 说来很遗憾,这儿的海鲜一点都不新鲜。

  40、She is in no way (ie not at all) to blame. 根本不应该怪她。

  41、I am not at all certain that we will win the game. 我根本不能肯定我们是否能赢这场比赛。

  42、Help me not at all,or all in all. 要么根本不要帮我,要么就帮到底。

  43、I was not at all well last weekend, but Im as right as rain now. 上周末我很不舒服,可现在完全好了。

  44、I am not at all keen on that sort of work. 我根本不喜欢那种工作。

  45、I am not at all satisfied with this book. 我对这本书一点也不满意。

  46、The quantum numbers differ not at all. 量子数根本没有差别。

  47、I am not at all sure that he will support us. 我根本不能肯定他是否会支持我们。

  48、I am not at all convinced about his honesty. 我一点也不相信他是诚实的。

  49、Help me not at all, or all in all. 要么根本不要帮我,要么就帮到底。

  50、Im not at all surprised at the news. 这消息丝毫不使我吃惊。

  51、Hes not at all the kind of man I fancy. 他完全不是我揣想的那种人。

  52、He is not at all the kind of man I fancy. 他根本不是我所喜欢的人。



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